This section contains offers and discounts from various companies. It is for the use of Blackpalfrey members ONLY. Please do not pass on any discount codes or website addresses to any non members.
To access the Member Benefit area of the site you will first need to register on the website. Click on the "Log in/Sign up" button on the right of the header bar (or the top of the menu if you're on a mobile phone). Click on "Sign up" and fill in your details, you will be asked to verify your email address. Your registration will need to be approved to ensure that your details match your club membership number, so please do this as soon as possible rather than when you need a discount. You will only need to do this once.
Once you have registered and been approved you will be able to access the Member Benefit area as long as you are logged in. To log in click on the "Log in/Register" button on the right of the header bar and log in with the same details that you used to register.
Member benefits currently available -
Autoaid Breakdown & Recovery - £10 off UK Roadside Rescue Cover
Don Barrow Rally Navigation Equipment - Free UK Postage
Dash4it The Map Superstore - Extra 5% Discount