Marshals & Media
Marshals Required
Without Marshals we would be unable to run any motorsport events. The people that turn up to marshal are therefore central to the success of any event that we run. Marshals range from competitors who wish to put something back into the sport, to those that just enjoy motorsport but do not wish to take part as competitors. If you want to go on to become a competitor, marshalling will give you a good understanding of how events are run, and how important marshals are to the running of events.
No experience is necessary, as we will make sure to pair you up with an experienced marshal, advise and guide you. It is a great way to make a start in motorsport and meet up with likeminded people.
This year's Hughes Rally will include a number of Special Tests of various surfaces around the 100 miles of Road Regularities. What better way to view the many Historic Cars as they negotiate their way through the rally.
If you cannot enter the Hughes Rally but would still like to be a part of the action, we would be very glad of your help in manning one or two time controls or special tests on the Hughes Rally. If you can help, please complete the form below which will be sent to the Chief Marshals : Grahame Standen & Andy Jenner.
Liege Clocks
Marshals will be using 'Liege' clocks (CD200 Rally Timing System) again this year, so any marshals with previous experience of using these clocks will be very welcome. If you haven't used them before, the following instructions and demos should help.
In addition to the instructions below we will shortly be producing a supplementary video to show how it all works in real time to bring to life the written instructions. Also we are intending to hold a training session nearer to the event for anyone who requires additional guidance.​​