Navigation and Regularity
There are many ways of defining the route you have to take on the rally, most of which require plotting onto the map. Most of the popular methods are covered in the Historic Rally Car Register's Navigation Handbook, which you can download and print from the link below. Grid references, spot heights, tulips, herringbones, etc. are all explained. This handbook was written by Andy Gibson, one of the founding members of Blackpalfrey and one of the foremost navigators in the country. We always use the Ordnance Survey 1:50000 Landranger maps and you can learn a lot by studying a map with reference to the map's key. The information on navigation can be found on the Historic Rally Car Register's website. There you will also find information under the Getting Started Tab on Historic Car Eligibility, Car Preparation, Timing and Documents.
Something you'll need when you want to accurately control your average speed is a set of speed tables, giving you time vs distance for a wide range of average speeds. Quite good enough to start you off is the Average Speed Table that you can download and print off from the link below. Below you will also find a template to download for a roamer to help you plot map references. It must be printed at 100% preferably on photographic paper or card.